myPT was created for YOU

After years of practice in outpatient orthopedics, Virginia recognized that her patients’ goals weren’t necessarily “covered under insurance.”

In a healthcare system that does not focus on prevention, wellness or performance, patients would frequently stop treatment before reaching their terminal goal.

Orthopedic conditions frequently take time to respond, change or improve. Unfortunately insurance companies don’t like to wait, but they do like to dictate plans of care without ever having met the patient.

It became clear that weeks, months, or years later, patients would return with an injury directly related to the previous one. This cycle is repeated over and over again and something has to change.

Under insurance-directed care, patients are often cut off from treatment if they don’t progress fast enough, plateau, or progress too fast. Patients are rarely encouraged to attend preventative or maintenance check-ins to ensure an issue won’t develop or recur.

*Let’s be honest…traditional PT is 🥱 boring. Who wants to be put on an exercise bike, told to do the same exercises as everyone else, guided through 3x10 reps in the clinic *when they are already doing the same thing at home, all while their therapist is running between 2-3 patients at the same time or typing notes on their laptop? This is NOT physical therapy.

myPT was founded with the patient in mind.

myPT was born of necessity for whole patient care.

myPT provides PT that isn’t boring or complicated.

myPT ensures you are actively involved in getting well.

myPT delivers exceptional results through tailored care.

Outside of insurance-directed care, your problem will be treated for as long or short as you need with modalities, education, corrective exercises and an approach tailored to YOU.

This ensures that you get the results you want without the fluff & filler of traditional PT. Your time is valuable. Each session is dedicated to your health and wholeness, helping you live fully with a deeper understanding of how you got here, how to feel better and how to prevent recurrence of your injury.

Come see how myPT is different.

and if you’ve “tried PT before and it didn’t work," come see how myPT can change your body and mind.